The above fixes work great for superficial formatting but If you need to strip all formatting, you need to send the text to a text editor such as Notepad. Use Notepad to Remove ALL Formatting from a Document If your document has a lot of varied formatting including Styles, the best way to ensure it is all stripped is to use a text editor, and get it done all at once. Styles are now removed from all selected text.

Click Clear Formatting command at the bottom of the Style icons.Click the More button at the end of the Styles group ( Home tab).Styles live on the Home tab | Styles group and have their own formatting. However, they contain a lot of underlying formatting and CTRL SPACEBAR will not remove Style formatting. Word has built-in styles that make formatting a sophisticated document quick and easy. Presto! You are all set to start from scratch.

If you received a file that contains different font styles, sizes and colors, etc., and you want it instantly reset to the default, just press CTRL + SPACEBAR.

What you need to do depends on how much you want to get rid of. Often that is not an issue unless you run into a situation where it gets in the way of inserting, exporting or pasting into another document or program. Microsoft Word, awesome as it is, packs a gaggle of formatting behind the scenes. Yikes! Did you create or inherit a document that has more font formats and colors than a box of crayons and you want it gone? There’s an app for that, so to speak! Remove Regular Font Formatting